Friday, July 31, 2020

Tuesday 21/07/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

In continuation with my 'rajin-ness', here I am trying as hard as I can to finish off the posts for July 2020.

I was unto another project as requested by my colleague. The current one was still on-going but since my colleague said he doesn't mind managing a few projects at one time. Here goes it. Need to use my laptop to ease my work hence why everyone who passed by my station told me that I needed a new monitor.

The thing is, I already emailed out my request but since I was supplied with a new laptop during those months where we were working from home every fortnight. The IT team told me that I just need to hand back my work CPU and just keep the monitor.  I was then given an extension for multiple monitors.

It was already pushing 1o am then the guys at work were informing us Coffee Bean are doing their round at our lobby. Thank god! I was super starving. $5 for a snack like this. I can't really complain. This is was better than not having anything to eat.

Then my wife texted me telling me that she is starving too and she needed to do an errand during lunchtime. I told yeah let's get out as I needed some time away from my PC. So, once we're done with our errands I brought my wife to the gerai next to my office. This was her first time trying out this place and she do enjoyed her food.

Today's post was really about food, isn't it? We picked up our brother in law from work then I thought let's have an early dinner. Hence, we made a stopover at Keboy's in Bunut. And guys we got our dinner sorted out hehehe.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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