Sunday, July 12, 2020

Saturday 27/06/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Errand Saturday!

Barang nyaman gais!

Siapa nampak benda kiyut kana pangku oleh papanya hahahaha.

Sandi guys after a few months of hiatus ari ani ku kuatkan hati to do some exercise. And sangat sangat tidak menghampakan. I do believe the cold morning weather really helps jua. Mun nya panas awu nda ku tahan hahaha.

Time to get me some hair cut, shave and hair wash. Hahahaha macam tah nda pandai nyuci rambut saja bah aku ah. It's the usual stuff lah yang banarnya. Walaupun balik ke rumah mandi lagi but lapas bergunting memang ku suruh cuci rambut. Satu nda gatal kedua sekalinya kana garu kulit kepala atu wooo nikmat.

Brunch at Akhbar restaurant.

Trying out baju baru and i love the material as well as the cutting. Menyasal tah ku jua eh pasal membali satu saja toingzzz!

Then taus tah ke opis memanyap manyap barang pantry yang ku bali kemarin. Sandi ya labat paluh ku hilang handsome hahahahahaha.

From the office then straight to pick up my wife from work. It has been a productive day i must say.

From my wife's office both of us then off to Supasave Riverside. I gotta say this place is happening. Ramai bah org kemari and by now I was already lapar so we bought a few munchies. The burger was a definite disappointment. Jantah dibali gais banar tah but the fries chicken spare ribs were ok. The highlight would be the donuts. Owh yes! It's delicious!

Time to balik KB.

And enjoyed my mom's cooking!

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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