Sunday, July 26, 2020

Monday 20/07/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Monday and it is the start of a new week.

Guess who brightens up our Monday morning? It is none other than si Manis Aileen Mikhayla.

Early morning Dk Heirna brought a cake for Yusri. He celebrated his birthday on Saturday so we gave him a surprise this morning. Too bad nda ku sampat mengambar rupa birthday boy kita hahahaha.

My packed  lunch prepared by my wife and that was a lot of chicken spare ribs and I am loving it!

Santai meeting with the procurement team jadi a long discussion. Ada org baru join our team so we're kinda updating him with our plan and how and where we want this team to go and grow.

One of the contractor shared with me the current project in KB site. I said not bad but mun aku masih lagi menjaga KB nda ku mau ni one side saja kana patch hehehe. It is just me guys.

We saw a paddle pop across the evening sky when we went for an early lunch. And I am loving it. Hahahaha sorry, guys been blogging since morning and Alhamdulillah this was the 20th post and I am chuffed that finally, I can update my blog hahaha.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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