Sunday, July 26, 2020

Friday 03/07/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

And finally, it's Friday and the weekend is upon us. Honestly, I really am digging this new interface. Nganya atu sajalah the font are just super small and it makes you squint a bit while typing. Nevertheless, let's continue blogging.

I woke up a bit early today and thanks to my wife who woke up super early for prepping my burger-making ani. So today I only managed to make a few. Actually 6 plang yang ku buat but somehow I kinda wanted to munch one so it was five left when i arrived at the office.

So how do you guys fancy wadi's burger? And that onion looks legit too but if I'm being honest the caramelization looks a bit weak hahahaha.

Honestly, I preferred to use a paper bag but according to my wife, this looks more presentable. Well, I do agree to an extend. Unless I'm serving this fresh from the stove then the plastic container is more presentable.

And just because of that I'm super late for work hahahahaha sandi bah!

While at home my wife was busy making her own version of the messy dhoo. Since I left her a half kilo hence why she only made small slider-like burgers. Supaya ampit bah tu nya.

Since it's Friday night so it's date night for both of us. We went from Sengkurong all the way to Manggis just to look for a few stuff.

Ending our night here at JP. It's been a while since I had Maccadies so it was good to finally able to have some. 

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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