Sunday, July 26, 2020

Friday 17/07/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ


And it's time to bergaya a bit for casual Friday. Nantitah bila my belly fat kurang barutah ku makai jeans balik. For now nahan liur dulu hahaha.

So today in our office is Masakan Kampong Friday aka foods that i hardly touch hehehehe.

Hence why this was the only food that I ate today. Even my colleagues menagur like Wow Wadi! kurang udah paot mu ah. Nda kami nampak kau langsung di pantry hahaha. And my reply was hadirkan ayam guing batah ku duduk tu nyahahahaha.

Thank god for coffee bean who always brought food to our office. Yes guys it's true. They always bring packed food for sale at our office. At least I have something decent to eat post-Friday prayer and those meatballs are delicious. Yatah my colleague Ali bercerita that he craves for IKEA's meatballs. It's damn delicious katanya.

Backing up my files because I am releasing my CPU to the IT team. I've been asking for a new monitor and since I was supplied with a new laptop so I was told to return the CPU and get to keep the monitor. Fair game!

Post site inspection with potential contractors. So Abg Wan treat me to a cold drink and it was delicious!

When I was on my way back home, my wife did ask what do I want for dinner. I told her that I want some dating tumis hence I made some when I arrived home.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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