Sunday, July 26, 2020

Tuesday 14/07/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

The best thing about working this week was that HM's birthday falls on Wednesday so it's going to be a short working holiday. 

Sorry guys can't share apa yg on the monitor. Remember presentation arah quotation committee the other day? Well this was the report that I needed to finish. Especially when my Senior Manager udah bertanya. So I told him I will get it done by Tuesday and should be asking other colleagues assistance to asked it signed by everyone who was in the meeting as well as our CEO's.

Definitely, this was way above my pay grade but I am not to complain as I take this as a value-added experience and I really to show my superior that with proper guidance. I can achieve or handle all the task that was given to me.

My belly was grumbling and when I looked at the time wah way past noontime. Luckily aku ingat ada gerai makan di bawah. Let's go then and guys it has been quite some time since I had my lunch here. Trust me guys their food is good!

Ini namanya sindrom membazir duit plus stress with work. I just can't believe it myself that I just spent $33 on buying royale pass on PUBG! What was I thinking?

Awal memanyap pasalnya esok kan cuti and I've been busting my arse with work all day long. I deserve to leave from work early hahahah belabih.

I didn't realize it was govt payday today until my wife told me untuk singgah arah airport kan ngambil usin keh keh keh.

Patutlah macam barat barat saja hatiku kan membali minyak hari ani. Panya ada yang kan belanja membalikan minyak kereta hahaha.

Then kana belanja lagi arah Farmbasket for dinner. Wow best nyer esok boleh lagi tak?

Actually the real reason kenapa kami berdua stayed di luar cani because my family membawa kami round ke Temburong. Kesian jua kan so alang2 tah masam-masam mendgni durg ke bandar. Well nda jua apa apa since esok is a public holiday.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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