Sunday, July 12, 2020

Friday 19/06/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Friday and the last day of work for this week. Yay!

Mcm slimming bah bayang ku atu hahahahaha sekadar. Hari ani pakai seluar baru keraja hence why kasut pun mesti yg lawa taus dipakai kah kah kah.

Rezeqi hari Jumaat guys. Alhamdulillah kenyang.

And then kana informed dalam groupchat that the CEO is treating all our lunch. I was already full at this time. So i took my share then just gave it to my wife.

Patang atu, I went to Serasa to do a site inspection then to close down this project. That was a quick one but I'm not bothered to go back to the office.

Then my friend shared kedia di Secret Recipe. And i thought eh why not. Batah udah ku nda lepak hahahahahaha.

Trying out this place since my wife gtau nyaman. And I can recommend it for you guys to try it.

Another stop at the tailor and for sure not the last time hehehehe.

Earlier my friend shared this in our group chat. Definitely sorely missed.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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