Thursday, December 31, 2020

Wednesday 02/12/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Santai Tuesday and it's mostly about the food.

I told my wife membali kuih kuihan sekajap di gerai Selayun. Nda jua perlu kelam kabut ke office bah. So we made a quick pit stop here.

I was surprised when we got stuck here. Apparently, they closed down the roundabout at Beribi and the traffic backs up all the way to the new flyover bridge. So I re-routed going all the way to Katok then lalu Rimba Highway. Luckily, its school holiday traffic is not that bad.

Dinner ayam penyet kami today. Kalau ku nda silap kami awal keluar office pasal kan ngambil my FIL balik dari Ripas. While waiting for him to be done awal tah kami makan dinner.

Sekalinya malam atu my sister shared these two photos on Whatsapp group chat. Odah membari tais liur saja. Toingz!

Told you guys this was about food saja.


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