Thursday, December 31, 2020

Thursday 10/12/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Last day of training.

Che' Din was due to fly later in the afternoon. So he didn't mind doing another session this morning for us guys yang nda sampai buat our closing remarks.

I have to say today's session was very emotional. I do believe the collection of people yg stayed for today's session mostly yang emo emo sikit termasuk aku. So when Nadiah did her closing remarks then asking us to say thank you to each other. Wow! A few shared their tears. When I did my closing remarks I was a nervous wreck. I have been going through this conversation all night last night and when I was on my way to work. Honestly guys, all those plans shattered. I just wing it and alhamdulillah everybody likes it. 

A few remarks that Che' Din pointed out was that one, my voice udah basar I don't need to use mic and secondly need to be careful pasalnya aku ani lampuh and mudah ngalih. So my breathing boleh kedangaran kalau aku pakai mic. Hence why aku kuat hati kan kurangkan berat badan before training session begin early next year.

Another December baby kan sambut birthdaynya. Kira advance lah pasalnya kedia kan cuti so her teammates awal udah plan hahahaha.

My lunch at Kontena Park. And one selfie before I had my quick nap hehehe.


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