Monday, December 21, 2020

Sunday 22/11/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Sunday and we're going back to KB.

Stopped by at K.K Koya Tutong town for a light breakfast. I think it is meant to be since the murtabak that we ordered abis. Hence, we just left the place after finishing our drinks.

Sambung balik k KB while masih kelaparan ahahahaha too bad guys. Like I said it was meant to be jua bah.

While we were on our way. I received a viral message via Whatsapp that ada org berjual bubuk in Lumut. Since we were a few mins away my wife pun bercakap lakastah singgah membali. Also my dad was already on his way to Lumut. Sadly, when we arrived in Lumut the place was already packed with people and the bubuk was already sold out. Bummer!

Remember when I said when we stopped by at K.K Koya, Tutong town and the murtabak that we ordered abis that it was meant to be. Well, when we arrived home in KB the food yang aku minta masakkan yesterday sudah siap bermasak. Mom did ask my sister to finish cooking early so that when we arrived taus makan. Love the food, enjoyed the meal and I had a lot hahaha.

My first walkabout for this month. Sandi bah ah with all this ampus and batuk but Alhamdulillah been going easy with the amount of food I eat as well as staying clear from those I know kan aggravate my coughing. Things looking all merry again and mudahan tah jua this was last a long time. Amin Ya Rabb.

Before balik ke bandar we sat down around angel my dad's cat. We got word a few days back that her new kittens were killed by a cat. And right now she was running a fever due to the abscess around her nipples area. She rather looked very poorly and here was there attending her trying to make her feel comfortable. Sedih ku meliat membari kan menangis jua. Sigh..


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