Thursday, December 31, 2020

Tuesday 22/12/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Tuesday and honestly I can't wait for the long weekend.

A morning pit stops here looking for a fresh whole chicken. You gotta admit that this shortage of fresh whole chicken is quite annoying especially at these times of the year. 

I had this for breakfast. The serving was quite small so I thought this would do before I'm off to Gadong later to pick some McDonald's prosperity burger.

It is quite the feat as well. It's what we called mee goreng kosong but it was paired with a small piece of telor goreng and sambal pusu. Makes wonder that something so simple can compliment each other well.

Dijadikan cerita kemarin I was speaking with Aishah then out of a sudden I mentioned Prosperity Burger. Sekali si Syamimi terdengar and the rest was history. I drove all the way to Gadong to pick this up and my god, I underestimate the size of it. Thank you dear wifey for accompanying me and also the 2 McD employees helping me to carry all of these to my car.

I have to admit we are one hungry bunch. A very hungry bunch I might add and I enjoyed their company.

This was our dinner. I always wanted to try this one small restaurant just in front of STPRI called Damas. If you guys ever been to Tamu Selera then you'll be very familiar with them. Owh! Good food too. 


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