Monday, December 21, 2020

Sunday 01/11/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

The first post for November 2020 begins.

We had an outing that morning. Biasalah kan udah nda balik KB atu pasal ada family function later on. If I'm not mistaken we went for food delivery then buying up some groceries before ending up going to Aman Hill mall just for some cakes. And since ada family function later my wife made a pit stop in Ban to buy her a new head scarf.

Later in the afternoon, we went to Jerudong to attend my 1st cousin's engagement event.

Keh keh keh always suka bah ruining a decent photo hahahaha anyhow, congratulations Wajih and Mujib for your engagement.

Awal atu nda mau makan arah event my cousin ani. Although I have to admit the hot Nescafe was the bomb. After the event, both of us were starving and since my wife kan membali barang di Serusop. We ended up having dinner at one of the Thai food restaurant here. Please forgive me as I forgot the name of the restaurant. The food was amazing though! Kadainya sebaris excapada lama di Serusop. You can't miss it kalau lalu sana.

Pagi membali sharqiaa while malam membali bokkita hehehehe. I told her plang membali tah saja untuk kenangan usin atu. It's your hard earned money jua bah. Bukan jua selalu ada extra cash to spend.



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