Thursday, December 31, 2020

Saturday 12/12/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Finally, the weekend.

The usual Saturday Riadah is back guys. And Alhamdulillah, although lama on hiatus managed to hit 3 Km. Hopefully, this can continue for a long long time.

Singgah Pappu for breakfast. Sodap bah di punya Murtabak Bawang guys!

I finally got to try the new flavor from Duff Vit-C drink which is the Lemon Lime version. The flavor was expected just macam their strawberry version nda overwhelming. Owh btw kalau kamu realize mcm ada uras dalamnya. Udah ku tanyakan arah the owner. He can completely confirm that it was part of the flavor bit and it is safe to drink.

Both of us were starving when I picked up my wife from work. Then we decided to makan arah tampat yang jarang kami aga udah. It has been awhile since we last dine here. So its all good mate!

Back in KB went for a drive around KB town. Then bila sampai umah meliat World War Z. Sandi bah mcm triggered ku meliat cerita cani during pandemic still happening out there. Ughhh!


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