Saturday, May 01, 2021

Wednesday 31/03/2021

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Wednesday and the final day of March 2021.

Awal kami left the house today. Aku kan keraja di KB today and secondly taus tah ku tidur di KB. Esok ku ambil cuti pasalnya mendangani my family preparing the biryani yang my office colleagues ordered. 

The list was long as you can see in the previous post. And because of that for sure, they will be staying up late and then waking up early in the morning just to cook and prep the orders which were then going to be delivered to my office. I didn't fancy them to drive up the capital while feeling sleepy so aku tah saja yang membawai.

Having our breakfast at Oslam Gadong. First time ku ni makan di sini aaa. Same old same old lah gais nganya ramai jua eh org keluar masuk ke mari ani.

Pagi atu singgah di SPARK ku sekajap since kedia memangku org jua kan. Just to check on whats going on over there and then doing some updating on hall booking and such.

Then in the afternoon taus tah ku melawat PTAS/AKER building with the Facility Management Team. Lalah jua eh hangat bah hari ah plus jua biasalah luan luan banyak barang urgent kan di usai nda menang tangan and kaki lah ku olehnya.

Masa untuk balik and honestly guys this brought in a few memories masa ku masih g keraja di KB. Luan luan kenangan lah stuck di sini kan keluar ke jalan basar. Nganya yth tu aa the best thing about keraja di KB ani. Nda jauh bah dengan umah familiku. Nda sampai 5 minit boleh tah ku memurancah di umah hehehe.

Biasalah guys! Namanya jua the end of month memang tah taus updating my blog sama lah ni mcm ni yang ku buat ahh sambil meliat TV. Kinda missing my wife at the moment. Lain jua asanya eh berjauhan tidur aaa.


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