Monday, May 17, 2021

Thursday 01/04/2021

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

And just like that we are starting the post for April 2021. I have this unrealistic target of which trying to finish all April updates before Syawal 2021. Although, if I am being honest, it does felt like a long shot. Anyway, let's continue with the update.

Remember in previous aku berpadah yang aku ambil cuti sehari and tidur di KB. Well, as I mentioned yatah udah ni kan deliver makanan ke opis ku. Sandi Yo! This isn't all of it.

Before jalan let's enjoy a few begedils hehehe. Sandi nyaman bah barang ani. Now that ku uploaded gambar ani. Kinda rasa bersalah tah ku jua since my colleagues banyak berbunyi kan order begedil ani haiyaaaa. Takpa laaa nanti saja ku surprise untuk durang.

To properly stack this containers was a hell of work. Mana lagi turun naik mengangkut kedia. Eh lalah bui! Kira macam cardio awal pagi lagi ni aa.

Peminat setia yang sedia menunggu makanan ku sampai hahahaha. Thanks ladies for the helps.

Honestly guys when everyone entered the pantry, I got scared! Padahal ber set udah tu aa diri punya makanan akan ada but somehow berabut bah mencari takut nda ampit hahahahaha eh apalah!

Both of us were feeling sleepy hence ku bawa my escape kajap to get some Jelate from Roasted Sip. Sending her back to work after.

Stopping by at Trader's Cafe, Beribi for a quick spot of brunch before heading home and tidur. Nyaman guys cuti sehari aaa. All worthwhile berabis.

Dinner at Substation. Really enjoyed this and now I felt like having some. I do also have cravings for Express Mega Burgers and large fries. Sia Sia Pun!

Stopped by at Muna's shop to send in my raya clothes. Awal sekali ani menghantar tapi mengambilnya bila? Hahahaha just follow the updates nanti aaa.

Later that night. I had to babysit for awhile 4 munchkins. Lalah jua eh paluh2 jua ku eh mcm pintu bilik atu ah sekajap buka sekajap tutup bah oleh durg. Mana nda hangat taus terasa bilik. Pasal puhar bilik atu jangan cerita lah, Itu suatu kewajipan.


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