Sunday, May 30, 2021

Monday 10/05/2021

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Monday and a start of a new week. It does felt like forever but I do just realized Raya is just a few days away.

Alhamdulillah, walaupun malam tadi commute from KB tapi andang ku set udah yang aku mau bangun ber Qiamulail malam ani. Even asked my dad to call me up at 2.30 am just to make sure aku nda tertidur. Syukur atas nikmat kelapangan masa dan tenaga yang sehat ini ya Allah.

This photo was taken just before kami melintas kawasan klinik Sengkurong. Didn't took it at the right angle hence nda nampak semacam tulisan Allah.

Terpaksa pasang radio Malaysia untuk ambil feel mendgr lagu raya. Radio Brunei was a bit slow playing Raya song. Biasalah standard bro! Kalau radio Brunei terpaksa ku browse the channel and if I lucky ngam bermain taus tah didangar.

Aku atu yang banarnya nda fancy kan drive all the way to KB albeit it is only SPARK. Ngalih ku since last night udah awal bangun berqiamulail. Nganya udah my colleague Aishah berpadah she needs to tag along since kereta udah ku book and ya need to hand in an important document to one of our tenant terpaksa tah zoom sekajap.

We did take our sweet time though. Akhir kami turun ke KB mcm aku gtau kedia let me settled a few items then barutah berjalan ke KB. Luckily she said yes.

Ada budak kecik lepak dalam bilik mau mau jua kan melimpang siring ku and migang hp. Pigilah alum jua basar banar hahahahaha.


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