Sunday, May 30, 2021

Sunday 09/05/2021

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Iatah nya org malang atu nda berbau. Santai saja bah ari ani sekali something happened.

My wife tertampar my hand sekali my hp flew off my hand straight to the floor. Pahadal nda jauh and tinggi bah but from the sound of the impact aku mcm tahu sudah my hp gonna go poof. Then when I looked at it bah tia pacah! Stress lah Aku. We called every hp service yang we know di Bandar but to no avail. 

My dad bawa my hp round around KB town ada lah kejumpaan one shop but mahal $370 just to fix the LCD and I thought tantu baik bali hp baru. Last last my wife terpaksa pinjam duit from my MIL pasal ya rasa bersalah. And luckily earlier in the week aku ada withdraw duit from my At-Tamwil Account so yatah udah tu pakai penambah usin.

At the same time we were also trying to make time kan ziarah kubur my late grannies on my father side. Alhamdulillah walaupun hati ada stress sikit but ani dulu kami usahakan pasalnya awal udah kami plan and bilatah lagi masanya since raya is just a few days away guys!

So aku atu nda kan mau membali jua. Masih ku kan save duit and mencuba menyelamatkan my hp ani. Then my wife berpadah esok mun keraja di KB apa tah pakai menelipun if ada emergency. And then if your tenants complaint arah Whatsapp kalau ada kerosakkan apa kang cana kan respond. Ehh timbul beruri so last last membali tah ku Hp baru. 

Not happy though! For once aku nda happy membali Hp. Why? Well put it this way, I have no complaint with my old hp. It has served me well for the past 3 years. Lots of memories were saved in that phone and now I had trouble retrieving it.

The official first photo on the new phone. Husband and wife are not happy because we had to spend $420 on an item that is certainly not necessary just days before Raya! 

I did manage to extract a few photos and other things before the LCD goes all bonkers. Anyway, I will be fixing this hp's LCD. I just love it a bit too much.

What a weekend it was. Ah well, I just need to move on quick. Can't cry over spilled milk forever.

On a lighter note, the caption was spot on! Udah berumur ani aa Raya is just Raya. Of course, I am thankful and grateful for it as it is Allah's gift to us. What I really meant was the excitement kinda dimmed down as you grow old. I do have to admit the mad rush on the last day of puasa all the way to Malam pukul will never be dimmed. And of course, waking up early in the morning putting your baju Raya then drove to the masjid with your father. You have to cherish this moment while it lasts. Lurus kan?


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