Friday, April 30, 2021

Monday 01/03/2021

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Suddenly I remembered that I haven't started blogging for this month. So here goes gais. Jurnal hidup aku bagi bulan March 2021 bermula sekarang.

My wife feeling a bit grumpy today. I guess she just had a bad dream hence why we need to stop by the kadai in Menglait for some coffees sweets.

Since we had something to do today in KB. We went down on a Monday. Stopped by at SPARK to pick up a few items.

Then sambung our journey to KB sites. Part of it was untuk mengambil kereta sebuah untuk dibawa balik ke Bandar. Mengusut bah kami KB team ani selalu payah and berabut kan kereta and since penggunaan di KB nda seberapa frequent macam kami yang di bandar ani. Hence kana suruh tah bawa balik ke Bandar.

When my wife asked me di mana ku masa ani. Hence I took this selfie and shared with her. Lepak ku dulu jap di umah lunch time at before sambung journey to Serambangun for another meeting.

Laju yo kereta Kia Sorento ani. Nganya atu saja makin diri menakan makin tia laju turun minyak nya eh. Kepisan nda tah ku mau membali kereta ani if petrol.

Minum petang di Rahmat Restaurant Gadong before heading home. Sekali kan kejumpaan kereta lama my sister. Aiseymen laju banar eh kana bali tia udah. Ku share sama my sister arah whatsapp group. Kesedihan terus melanda hahaha.

Siuk rupanya kana drive kan ani. My wife hated it that I took a selfie of myself relaxing while she is driving hahahaha. You gotta savour the moment bah aa.

Biasalah gais. Kalau Aileen masuk bilik she will demand me to switch on the lappie and play Cocomelon on youtube for her. Banar, I kid you not.


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