Monday, May 17, 2021

Tuesday 20/04/2021

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ


Remember when I mentioned last Saturday that I need to go to Tutong? Well, I cannot delay it anymore. Need to jaga hati our tenant jua. So today, I called a few contractors just to check this area. I need to understand further what was going on. And only then we can think of what sort of temporary measures that can be done to help sort the problem that one of our tenants in Serambangun currently face.

Glad to be back in the office and an air-conditioned room. Hangat! puasa lagi!

When my wife shared this kind of photo. That means she is already at my office car park. Andang time puasa ani aku suruh ya bawa kereta. Since ya balik pukul 2 and kami pukul 3. Mun nya aku jua bawa kereta yatah buruk ya menunggu sorg2 di opis. Kesian jua tu and membari ingau hati.

We went to Pasar Malam Gadong to get our sungkai food. Kesianku my wife since kedia kengalihan hence membali barang yang awal bermasak saja. Owh my BIL membali nasi katok RB. Nyaman!


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