Sunday, August 30, 2020

Tuesday 04/08/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Tuesday lerrrr..

We started the day by having breakfast at Ah Mit's Delicacy Cafe in Kiulap. Nothing special plang but i'm not here to complain.

Another day and another meeting. I do believe I've been having too much of this lately hahahahaha sekadar!

I kinda like this new packaging but I'm not sure this will stay for a long time. Honestly, I do believe barang cani ani is just a waste of money. It doesn't fit the purpose as the food that was sold is from a number of vendors. I do believe each vendors should supply their packaging. Nganya what to do it's DARe's contribution to the MSME vendors in Brunei. Pffft!

She never liked it when I took a photo of her but I told her this is for memories. I'm gonna post it in my blog and one in the very distant future, when we're both, are weary and old. We could just log in to my blog and have a look at our life's journey together.

My wife kinda craved for Nasi Katok Thai in Sengkurong. Nganya that place is undergoing a renovation so the service was very slow and my wife just got fed up waiting. I for once glad that she left the shop as I'm sure with all the renovation that was going on I was concerned with all the dust that might landed on the food.

So we settled for having our dinner at Pondok Sari Wangi. And both of us were very happy with our food every time we went here for a meal.

Ladies and gentlemen I gave you the many faces of Aileen Mikayla. Darinya kambang to eski to suka then bored all in a very short snap hahahahaha.

And of course Kaka Adik nda mau alah mesti mau jua kana gambar.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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