Sunday, August 30, 2020

Wednesday 05/08/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Wednesday lerrrr..

We were on our way up from another meeting in the lobby. Funny enough both Pg Nuzul and myself were talking about how hungry we were. Then when we got out of the lift, Coffee Bean staff was already on our floor bringing the product. And equally lucky our CEO joined us guys and hey free food! Haa Haa Haa.

My wife minta bawa keluar tengah hari atu pasalnya kedia kelaparan. Well kediaku pun lapar jua masih although i had eaten earlier. Sekali udah ku masuk kereta aiyoyo.

And of course, we drove all the way to Sengkurong to buy nasi katok hahahahaha ani lah dinamakan liur tak kesampaian terpaksa dipajal untuk disampaikan.

Loving my smartwatch screen. Nganya jadi keraja sajalah untuk mencari wallpaper baru. Don't think I'm up for it hehe.

And just like that, I was back in the office and back doing my work.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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