Sunday, August 30, 2020

Thursday 06/08/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Thursday lerrrr..

Look guys somebody was up early and so cheerful this morning. Belabih tu aaaa!

So I told my wife that I just couldn't be bothered with arriving early at work today. And guess what she agreed too. Hence we make a quick pit stop at Jangsak for breakfast.

Too lazy to go out to buy some food. I just opted to have cup noodles as my lunch.

In the afternoon aku mendangani my colleagues for site inspection. Opted to drive the car since we were using the latest addition to our company's fleet of vehicle. Siuk jua nyamo drive kereta tinggi ani macam it makes me want to rujuh semua di atas jalan atu haha.

I parked my car bawah pokok sekali one of my colleague tagur jantah di sana kana beriai kang leh burung. Told him biar ca and honestly kinda menyasal now. Didn't realized all the burungs had a shit frenzy. I cursed their arses!

We went back home early as I was feeling super tired after the site inspection. It was quite a hot and humid day. We had a quick stopover before going back home. Having these ice creams was just great in this hot weather.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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