Friday, August 28, 2020

Saturday 01/08/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

It does felt like a long time ago when I looked into these photos but hey life's a blogger.

 Giving my watch a new look. Ikut mood raya hehehehe semangat ku this time around especially when you can go to the mosque.

Damit mua babah ku atu hehehehehehe. As usual lah kalau di KB siapa lagi dangan ku hehehe.

A solemn and beautiful morning skies accompany our morning drive to the mosque. 

Post sembahyang sunat raya. Both of us was starving and the bad news was nda banyak kadai yang buka. Baik jua WYWY buka nganya since it's the only restaurant yang buka that morning. Everyone goes there and the customer service goes down a few level.

Our humble raya lunch. Mum was busy preparing stuff untuk dibawa for raya gathering at my uncle's place. Durang saja turun aku malas kan berkumpul-kumpul tahun ani. I rather spent raya with my close immediate family saja.

Finally, I got the chance to try this viral drink. Verdict? Okay, let's compare this to my fave drink which is the strawberry flavored Volvic. Taste-wise it is not similar as this drink tasted more like candy where else the Volvic has a light sour taste. Safe to say it is not a bust lah but I still prefer the Volvic.

 Before balik ke rumah Sg Tampoi singgah kami sekajap di Sengkurong membali nasi katok hehehehehe.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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