Monday, October 19, 2020

Wednesday 30/09/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Wow! Finally the last post for September 2020. Siapa sangka I managed to finish it. 

I struggled to transfer money to my sister because satu BIBD online banking apps seem to be rubbish these days. Then you can't really connect to that apps using office wifi. And when I tried using my data the networks seem to fail on me.

Damn right frustrating that I called my wife just to complain and told her we're going to DST later. I need to get my sim card replaced of which I just found out later on that it is still on 3g networks hence why I keep on losing the network. Now that's my fault then hehehe.

Then taus tah we had lunch at one of the restaurants just a few stores next to DST Branch in the Airport Mall. The food was good then taus singgah Gong Cha. I saw the staff looked like my sister Wani taus tah ku snap hahahaha.

Luan luan sajuk opis kami ani lately sampai terasa ke dada bah sajuknya hence why I just brought my sweater from home. Barutah nyaman rasanya badan bah udah makai sweater atu.

Enjoying the last sunset for September 2020. What a breathtaking view.

Updating my blog with August 2020 updates. Slow berabis ku bulan ani. Too many things happening so when the curtain was about to fall taus tah ku menyampati updating my blog. I did promise myself that I will finish up September 2020 updates before the end of October. And I just did it. Yipeeeeee.

October posts will begin soon. Take care!


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