Monday, October 19, 2020

Monday 14/09/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Monday and the start of a new week.

When you never attend morning huddle and then one of your colleagues was always present not because they like it. They have to because the huddle was at their level every Monday hahahaha.

Apparently this a school holiday week yatah baru ku terkanang why kenapa di opis sunyi. Sasaknya my team banyak cuti and at the guys yang nda bercuti was away witk their errands. So everything that has to do with Asset Management aku tah yang menjawab and menguruskan. STRESS!

I went for an early lunch because work overload was getting the better on me. So I left everything behind then picked up my wife and bugger off for lunch!

Owh did I mentioned I've got a new monitor? It is bigger than the previous one so I put on Mulan once I got back from lunch. Felt like watching it using a proper TV.

Alhamdulillah mom has been discharged from the hospital. Luan banyak kan ku ckpkan but somehow I cannot put it into word. Like I said it earlier Alhamdulillah this chapter of our life is over.

Stress eating much and it's only Monday guys. Can you believe it!

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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