Monday, October 19, 2020

Wednesday 02/09/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Tuesday and my goodness, this was one of the toughest days in my life.

Honestly, I really wanted to take a day off today. Last night's emergency trip really took a toll on me emotionally. But then I remembered that I had work and online training to attend hence why I need extra coffee just to keep my energy up.

I was totally overwhelmed with the tasks at work. I just had to attend my online training at my desk. That took a good 2 hours than late in the afternoon my dad called me up that my mom still raving in her sleep and took a while to respond. So I told my dad if makin teruk bawa tia ke hospital panggil tia ambulance.

I was entertaining the girls when my family group WhatsApp just exploded with messages. My sister shared photos of my mom being carried down into the ambulance.

So I called out my wife and both of us left for KB. Halfway through we received a call from my sister that my mom has been transferred to the ICU ward because her condition was not good at all.

According to the doctor, she had a very bad infection on her lungs that it develop pneumonia. Worse her blood oxygen level was critically low and when the doctor told me that my mom needs a ventilator just to help her breathing, my heart sank.....

He did explain that the ventilator helps to improve her blood oxygen level and let's just hope the medication helps her to fight off the infection. By now there is nothing more we can do but to pray and tawakkal as no doubt that right now she is in god's hand.

Till next post. Stay safe everyone!


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