Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Friday 21/08/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Hari gumbira guys pasalnya terima awal this month. Owh yeah it is also our 4th year anniversary.

Kira macam ani gambar bayang cani ani boleh ku jadikan trademark bagi diriku lah hahaha. Yes sir, I brought a lot stuff today for work. 

And today kami surprise Hj Azeez as he is celebrating his birthday on Saturday. Keh Keh Keh We got you bro hahahaha.

Penido ni! hehehehe.

So here we were enjoying our lunch before solat jumaat. Suddenly we were informed VIA group WhatsApp that we needed to evacuate the building as they were receiving a complaint about the building shaking.

Kami yang di level 2 nda plang kerasaan so since its about time kan sembahyang jumaat turun tah saja. So when I arrived at the office datang udah bomba and polis and the place was under lock down. Fine! I'm heading home early then.

Rest for a bit when I got home then lapas atu taus tah kami went out to celebrate our 4th anniversary by having dinner at Charcoal. Andang dari dulu udah ni my wife kan minta bawa makan sini. So since alang2 cun terima today then taus tah mamam sini hehe.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!

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