Monday, October 19, 2020

Friday 04/09/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Friday in Kb. We stayed the night and masih jua alum nyaman tidur. Malar terbangun then terus check my hp. In the morning pun taus taus hp dicari. Asal saja mendgr bunyi hp taus kabak2 jantung2.

So that morning sambil sambil nunggu tengah hari. Taus tah kami laki bini keluar for breakfast then get our laundry done. 

It's been awhile since aku sembahyang di masjid Jamalul alam, KB Town. And then yang siuknya, the imam nya was the imam di masjid Kg Pandan dulu. So knowing alunan fatihahnya memang aku mudah cair. In fact last night both my dad and myself sembahyang di sini. Payah banar kan khusyuk apalagi bila menganang my mom di icu. Mendangar alunan bacaan fatihah nya lagi bercucuran bah air mata ku. 

Menyampati melawat my mom after solat Jumaat then knowing everyone will be hungry. My wife and I went to Seria for nasi katok hunting. Not bad lah guys the nasi katok aaa.

Then in the evening, we went back to the hospital, and then when my wife was in the midst of reciting surah yassin next to my mom's bed. Suddenly she woke up. ALHAMDULILLAH. Still weak and struggling to speak she was crying in pain. I looked at the nurse counter when I saw their reaction was calm and I whispered to myself alhamdulillah my mom just finally awakes.

The best feeling ever although seeing her crying pain was not easy. Dad was struggling too. At first, she started to write the word on her chest then we gave her a pen and paper. So I called up the nurse that my mom told us that she is in quite a lot of pain because of the ventilator hence she told us that she gonna gave her some pain killer and told us to just let her rest.

Relief guys!

Driving back home to bandar feeling absolute relief. Before the visiting hour ended we managed to get hold of my mom's doctor. He told me with a smile that my mom is recovering well. If her conditions improve she will be no longer needing to use the ventilator machine.

Alhamdulillah Ya Allah.


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