Monday, October 19, 2020

Thursday 17/09/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Safe to say hari kalam kabut sedunia.

I can't remember if I did mention how stressful it was these last few days. Most of my teammates are away during the school holiday. Workload just adding up fast and there a few items that needed urgent attention. Well, I managed to handle it and I thought today I can relax a bit. 

Well no! We received a notification from our team lead there will be a site visit by one of the top management people and I should assist one person for this visit. Sigh! Kabak2 taus kami ke site round if ada yang perlu di usai then balik ofis to prepare for the actual visit that gonna happen in the afternoon.

This was taken at the end of the day while I was waiting for my wife to fetch me. Am I glad that the weekend is almost here?

We are having a tahlil function at one of the restaurants here in Sengkurong. Before we left, Aileen was in our room. Kira perasaan lah kedia kan kana bawa berjalan. Well she will join us later anyway but it's fun to see her all bubbly expecting kami bawa ya jalan hahaha.

Just a few photos I managed to snap during the function. 

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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