Monday, October 19, 2020

Sunday 06/09/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ


Ahir sikit kami turun k KB. Like I mentioned in my previous post. Visiting hours were only at noon and in the evening. By this time, I began to use mask pasalnya timbul batuk and ampus ku. Kuat banar nyenta kuman di hospital atu!

She was still asleep when we arrived. Didn't want to wake her up. And I still remember during the early days. Although kedia nda bangun but her jari selalu bergarak2 mimicking caranya megang tasbih atu. Even the Dr. mentioned that bagus my mom ani. Yatah jua yang menolong mempercepatkan kesembuhannya. My mom andang suka berzikir and guys kuat nyamo zikir ani.

Lunch time with my family. 

Later in the evening, we went to the hospital. Mom was bubbly. I told her again what I told her before. Ramai org doakan kedia. I even showed gambar org sembahyang hajat untuk kedia di opisku. She shed a few tears and really grateful for it.

Pit stop in Tutong for dinner. And by that the end of this difficult week.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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