Saturday, June 13, 2020

Wednesday 27/05/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

4 Syawal 1441H.

I woke up late this morning. When I woke I heard a munching sound. Then I looked down eh Adik was having her breakfast hahahaha.

By noon both of us went out for some errands. I need to buy supplies because I've promised my colleague that I will bring some fried kuey teow to the office tomorrow.

We then stopped by at Restaurant Nasi Ayam Mulaut for a quick lunch. I tried their Wantan Ho and steamed chicken. Verdict? It was alright and honestly, I've tasted better.

Another pit stops at my Wife's usual tailor to pick up her dress that she gonna wear tomorrow morning. Biasalah standard first day back to work after Syawal public holidays. MUSTI pakai baju baru heh!

I did mention earlier that I wanted to make fried kuey teow for the office right? Guess what? I forgot to buy the main ingredient. Kuey teow noodles! Brilliant!

Another pit stop at the tailor because now that I remember. When we went here earlier it was to drop by her dress. She tried it and it needed a few adjustments hence we need to pick up right now!

Another pit stop before heading home.

Movie night to end the night.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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