Saturday, June 13, 2020

Monday 25/05/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

2 Syawal 1441H.

Planning asal kan berparam saja di umah. Sekali my dad berpadah bah ke bandar eh beraya a few houses. So we got ourselves ready then bandar we go.

First house singgah di Meragang arah rumah my Bungsu bini. Told my family jantah kelam kabut santai saja.

Konon makai cocktail glass. Cara memegang pun mesti tahi palat hahahahahaha.

The face you made when u just had a very delicious cake. Having lots of sweet and delicious cakes is not good for your health. The sugar level is just ridiculous hehehehe.

Kononnya kan malar bergambar cemani. We tried a few then just quit trying. Why? You can clearly see both of our eyes were squinting. 

Well, of course, the Lil one wants a photo of her in her new Raya dress taken as well!

Second house of the day was at my Amit's place in Rimba. When we arrived some of my Amit's in-law family member was also around. So just as advised by MOH we just did our Social Distancing Etiquette and waited for our turn.

Just two love birds trying to look cute hahahaha.

On to our third house of the day. At my Uda's place in Lambak Kiri. Simple hearty food. Nothing fancy but just finger foods for high tea.

When you're not too old to receive Duit Raya. I was actually surprised that both of us gets it. Nice!

The final stop of the day or shall I say last house of the night would be at my in-law's place.

I have to say that this Karup Packing that contained deep-fried spring rolls skin then coated with flavored stuff is super addictive.

A 3 nights old crescent glimmering in the night sky.

By the time we're about to drive back home. Both my wife and I were basically starving. And to tell the truth, Jollibee was not our first choice of dinner. Both of us have been craving for Mc Donald's from the first few weeks of Ramadhan. But the damn place was packed every night. Even the bloody drive-through lane has a long line. Hence why we decided to have Jollibee and be done with it.

Home sweet home!

And to a busy kitchen with my mom and sisters busy prepping for tomorrow's Briyani order.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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