Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Monday 01/06/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

And finally, we can begin with our June Post. I can't believe we are already in mid-2020. To say that 2020 has not been uneventful so far is definitely an understatement. It is very eventful, I just can't believe we went by it that fast.

Actually, it was uploaded by the shop owner on the 31st of May but due to how eventful Sunday was I just skipped it and put this post up for today. I've been talking to my wife that I needed new perfume. So after work, we went to the airport mall to browse for some perfume. Somehow along the way, I thought hey let's bought my wife a new perfume. She has been using my perfume all this while so, it is only fair for her to get one. The happy face says it all.

The first order of the day! I told my wife that I need to get my cough checked. I have also been experiencing shortness of breath. So before my asthma became worse it's time to get it sorted out. As suspected my asthma making a return! Although the doctor said it's only mild but, if I don't enough care with what I eat etc it can get worse.

Then we had our Sunday brunch here. I told my wife let's ate something heavy so we do not have to worry about lunch.

And these are what ordered. Chicken tikka masala and naans. Took their sweet time serving us though. We needed to wait almost half an hour before our food arrived. 

4 years into our marriage and she sat like that. Masa baru baru berkawan aduhai sopan nya duduk hahahahahaha.

That night we went for a dinner out at Nadj Restaurant. Both of us didn't fancy eating much so we just ordered a noodle and shared it between us. Romantic much?

Then we remembered Jirul did send out his wife's beef soup. So my wife heated it on the stove and we just enjoyed sipping this delicious soup. Thanks again Jirul and wife.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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