Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Saturday 06/06/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Saturday and I must say today was an errand day.

As usual lah today I would be sending my off to the office as well as doing some pie delivery.

Hitting breakfast early today. I had mee hoon goreng saja so biar a bit heavy hence I do not need to have lunch later.

Soon after breakfast I went to the groceries shop aroung Madang/Lambak for pantry re-stocks. 

From the shops then straight to the office. Unpacked and stored everything then head home straight away. In case you guys are wondering what I was carrying in that last photo. Those were warmers from yesterday's big makan fest. Not bothered to carry it around yesterday especially when lift capacity was limited to 4 people per usage. 

Plan asal kan membali nasi katok Thai di Senkurong. Sadly enough they were closed for business today. The new plan then.......

You can never go wrong with Ayamku. Stopped by here to buy some lunches for the guys at home.

And this was my lunch. Looks pale but hey this was a hearty meal. Kononnya nda payah makan lunch bah aku aaa. Nada jua eh with all the running around I got hungry yo!

Another errand in the afternoon before picking my wife from work. I had a good nap soon after lunch and now I felt super fresh and raring to go.

Nda pandai kanyang boy! Hahahahaha actually something happened while we were on our way back home. So in order untuk menyejukkan hati my Wife bawa high tea. Hence why menyangak saja keraja atu.

Let's go back home to KB.

Home sweet home.

Aku atu hairan bah kenapa macam nda even pantulan cahaya from my headlights. Udah sampai umah ku suruh my wife cua sambangi deh and she just confirmed it. Headlight hangus sebalah. Dang it!

Kemarin aku atu mengadu arah my mum yang aku nda berapa ampit pacri nanas. Kali kana buatkan tah ku and how much i enjoyed eating it. Bad called though timbul ampus ku olehnya. Berkakai jua eh baik jua ada puffer my sister. Phew that was a bad one!

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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