Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Tuesday 02/06/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

I took csds today since I wanted to have an extra day rest. Bukannya apa takut ampus ku bebalik. Nda cali tu nyamo when you're trying to grasp for air while at work.

I told my Wife pakai saja keretaku. Sorry malas ku kan drive her to work. So, I spent most of the day in bed and asleep.

Then patang atu my wife and i went to visit her bestfriend who got married earlier in the afternoon. Kira a new normal during covid-19 era. Awal awal atu nda plang ku kan ikut but then cam kesian jua kedia sorg-sorg so ikut tah ku lah.

Sorry guys mcm nda terartur usulnya urutan gambar ani hahahaha but who cares. Later on in the night i told my wife let's chill out a bit before heading home. So we opted for a quick munched at Gloria Jeans BSB.

A quick pit stop at Serusop, Mabohai to buy some groceries well nda jua banyak yang dibali since the barang i'm looking for nada.

We were on our way home when my brother in law called us berkirim foods. So our last pit stop before calling a night was at Jollibee's drive-thru.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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