Sunday, May 17, 2020

Wednesday 29/04/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Not much to share jua bah for today and probably this would be my last post for April 2020. Finally! Mind you it took me 17 days into May to finally be able to release the final post updates for April hahahaha. Well like the saying goes its better late then never, right?

Today kami malas kan masak. So we decided let's have something cooked and tau ampai saja atas meja. Hence we bought a few item from Rahmat Restaurant.

Then singgah lagi ke Jing Chew. Tais liur ku kan makan kuey teow Jing Chew. And alhamdulillah my craving has been satisfied.

Alhamdulillah panuh jua meja hehehehe. Yatah siuknya bersungkai di bulan yang mulia ani. Sedikit pun saja makanan atu alhamdulillah paot tatap kanyang sampai ke subuh. Well as long as you top up lots of water jua to replenish balik air yang hilang dari badan sewaktu berpuasa.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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