Thursday, May 28, 2020

Thursday 21/05/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

27th ramadhan.

Alhamdulillah this morning my Wife joined me for qiamulail and i am a very very happy and grateful husband.

Bukan plang kan show off but this morning my focus was solely on zikir hence why ku ambil air and just opened the cap. Hopefully ada kebaikkan yang masuk ke dalamnya. In shaa Allah.

Slept for a bit after subuh. Didn't realized my Wife went off to work. Then by 8 i left the house for Serasa. Had a site inspection with my colleague and a few contractors. While putting on my shoes i looked up the morning sky and the surrounding. Silently sending a prayer to Allah. Owh what a beautiful morning.

This would be my first trip to Serasa and i am not looking forward to it. Hangat yo this place. Kaing banar leher. In case kamu hairan kenapa ku blacked out the face of the contractor. Ethic yo! I cannot freely show who we dealt with and such.

Well the ride back to Sg Tampoi was challenging guys. I was still sleepy and it's bloody hot. It's a long drive and i tried to get back home as soon as i can. Why? i need another nap because i have to deliver food to my office. Biasa colleagues ku meng order pie lagi. And then udah ku sampai atu. Baru ku kan duduk bah kan berehat taus eh kana aga org minta tolong sal keraja. Cuaaaaaa. Kekadang hairan ku nyamo. Aku ani bukan pegawai bah pembantu eksekutif saja but kana treat cam pegawai. Bangga? Nda jua when my pay is not on par with it. Btw i managed to snap myself with the goodies. Happy boy! Nda ku sampat mengambar apa dalamnya guys but some of it was delicious!

Remember when i said i need to go back to Serasa later in the day. Well after i fetched my Wife from work taus tah ku join Waliy and Aishah at PMB. Just to finalize on our rush project. Inspect mana yang nda bisai apa atu before we signed it off. My goodness hangat yo! Spent sometime under the sun then by the time we're done. Aku masuk dalam kereta and my throat was super dry. And i have to be honest tempted ku kan sungkai but i take it as dugaan and syg bah we're in the last few days of Ramadhan. Nda ku mau puasa ku pacah yo!

Taus tah kami singgah membali barang pasungkaian as well barang dapur sedikit sebanyak. Especially untuk yang kan dipakai for 1st day of Syawal.

My sungkai that evening hehehehe santai saja ku makan. Malas ku kan luan over banar. Paot ani lain macam udah rasanya. Nevertheless always am grateful with all the rezeqi that Allah has bestowed upon us.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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