Friday, May 29, 2020

Salam Aidilfitri 1441H

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Finally i got to do a raya greetings hehehehe. Probably just six days late. And it's official the seventh day of Syawal 1441H.

Raya  tahun ani benar benar berbeza dari yang biasa. Some part i'm not happy but most part of me is grateful  that hari raya is like this. I've told my Wife the other day yang for me personally yang buat aku suka and miss the most about raya was the day leading to it, malam pukulnya and then the morning after sembahyang hari raya where i got to salam tangan my parents.

Probably pasal umur makin meningkat bah ah iatah mcm for me raya is just raya. Or probably jua pasal it's like an annually repetitive event. Seeing familiar faces and going to familiar faces. Guys, don't feel like aku ani nda bersyukur pasalnya we're in Brunei and i got to see most of my uncles, aunties, cousins, nephews and nieces on a regular basis. Lain lah kalau aku ani jenis yang merantau hidup jauh then probably raya would mean a lil bit different.

Anyhoot raya tahun ani with it's kesederhanaan makes me appreciate it more. I don't have to rush ke sana ke mari. And the easy feeling where aku nda rasa bersalah when my Wife minta balikan barang and aku nda dpt provide. Somehow this year despite the dugaan that my family had early in the Ramadhan month. Allah taala was very generous with providing me rezeki. And i will stop right there saja because i don't want to share apa aku yang aku buat. Aku takut hilang ikhlasku and timbul riak ku. Whatever happen i am more than grateful. I seen the power of doa. I've felt how beautiful the feeling i felt while reciting quraan. And i hope i turned to be a better person as Ramadhan ended.

Lastly, i would like to wish each and everyone of you a Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. May this festive season brings more joy to your family. And may Allah continue to protect us from evil thoughts and continue to shower his blessing upon us.

From my Family to yours, Minal Aidin Wal Fa'idzin.


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