Sunday, May 17, 2020

Tuesday 21/04/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ


Staying up late pasalnya biasalah namanya WFH this week so mcm my sleep pattern atu taus automatic akhir tidur.

Took this photo masa aku ngambil my Wife from work. Biasalah namanya time covid ani kedia keraja half day saja. It's really is a big ass truck guys.

And of course you need to stop by to buy lunch for people back home.

Ready for a video conference at 4 pm.

Wifey been craving for some pizza lately. Can't afford to buy Margherita at the moment so we opted for pezzo saja. Why? Nak kata aku broke nda plang but when u only wanted to eat a few slice saja pezzo let you do that. Margherita as much as i love that place they won't let you buy slices!

Nda lurus bah urutan gambar ah. Antam saja tia asalkan ber upload. Anyhow Ramadhan will be here in a few days time. And then yang buat aku susah hati barang pantry di umah alum banyak ber re-stock hence why we went to SKH Sengkurong just to do so. Honestly lah aa aku ani prefer membali di Hua Ho Bebatik Kilanas due to how comfy that place is. But if you guys wanna stretch a bit of your buck. SKH is the place to be. 

Well of course when it comes to poulty my Wife is very picky. SKH atu nda ya berapa terpakai. Her favorite place to buy poultry is always Hua Ho.

Last stop of the night. The Wifey punya craving udah satisfied. And this was mine. Wanted to buy di Nadj but since kami in the area and this guy close up a bit late. Ku bali tah sini. Alhamdulillah it was good!

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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