Monday, November 25, 2019

Sunday 18/11/2019

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

And then here comes DARe Sports Day.

Second week running awal bangun during the weekend. Well last week Saturday and today Sunday. Okay lah tawakkal saja hahaha.

This year the sport day was held di Hutan Simpan Berakas. First time ku kemari ni. Bisai kawasannya ani kalau kan buat private function like today, it is isolated and ada privacy.

Awal pagi udah ku bertangkar sama warden traffic ani hahaha.

Sesi bergambar beramai sama our Chairman the Minister of Energy. Teeheehee awal awal atu nda ku berapa kan bergauk. Sekali udah time warm up aa. Paduli ya ada kah nda menteri teriaki saja tia hahahaha.

Some of the food which i even bothered to gambar that morning. Lavish plang yang banarnya. We even have FueledBN and live cooking amongst others.

First game of the day yg aku ikut. Nda ku berapa mau kan ikut game yang memerlukan aku belusir. Udah ku  Typical mesti jua bah yang mengandungi tapung-tapungan!

The aftermath hahahaha but at least this one is bearable. Last year atu luan luan kepisan. So yeah my rant won't be long kui kui.

For me this is one the best game ever. Whoever create this game needed to be knighted hahaha. As you can see in the video a member from each team must travelled along the marker with both feet have to touch each marker before moving on and once you came across the opponent. You will then be having a rock paper scissors game. The winner will move on and the loser will have to return back to the line while a new member will replace him.

Mind you aku bah yang mengambar video ani kabak2 bah. Sampai kambang bulu ku berabis. Even during the final game the final marker atu mcm defended well by each team. Ada kali 4-5 kali patah balik barutah kami manang the game.

Santai moment before the start of the new game. Kami atu getting ready udah for the tug of war sekali tahu tahu talinya nda panjang. So the event organizer get creative and pinjam kereta Pak Dol. When i talked about kereta is a bloody JEEP!

Spark boys and girls doing their thing! 

Udah selasai game atu barutah ku sadar yang aku ani lapar. Mind you nda ku berani makan apa apa knowing that a game like Tug of War will hit you bad on a full stomach. Sekali udah selasai acara atu taus ku ngambil ayam then masuk dalam hut. And this was my meal. Nda jua banyak ku makan asal berisi paot saja.

Cuaaaaa ada kawan ku meng candid snapped aku hahahahahaha. Nada bah bisai usulku atu. Tahniah banar eh!

My meal companion that morning hehehehe.

The final few games that morning. Honestly right now aku di hut udah and totally not interested panas bui! I swear to god the 3 km walk yesterday has started taking its toll on me.

Finished second again this year. Beaten by our arch nemesis the red team by a few points. AGAIN! $300 richer so we're not complaining much hahaha.

One group photo before leaving. Lalah bui! and Masam!


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