Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Tuesday 19/11/2019

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Tuesday and not so much to share except mcm the usual stuff.

Wifey gonna kill me for sharing this photo hahahahaha. Poor girl hardly had any sleep last night. I supposed the sleepless night started to take it's tolls.

So what was the fuss and hype is all about? It's just an aing bandung. Nothing special bah. Buat sendiri lagi sedap. Sirap Ros then campur Schweppes fizzy water ais panuh lagi sedap.

Went to Babu Kitchen for lunch pasalnya my Wife crave for some bubur nasi. Since sini ya suka so sini tah saja mamam.

And kalau kediaku. Biasalah standard kalau udah mamam di Babu Kitchen ani apalagi kalau bukan Fah Kee Chicken Chop yang ku order. Sedap weii!

Baru ku terkanang bah yang aku membali barang ani masa our trip to KK earlier in the year. Barutah berpasang haha. Diffuser plang jarang ku on these days.


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