Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Wednesday 24/02/2021

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Wednesday and its training day!

Leaving the house early because we need to beat the traffic plus memikirkan my wife yang ku suruh bawa kereta.

She dropped me off arah kawasan lapang sebarang lapau. Bukannya so its easier for her untuk keluar and aku had a short morning exercise hahahaha.

Last week Ahmad and this week Wadi hahaha. Seriously guys I cannot get enough of this sign. Barutah pernah merasa nama diri luan luan dpn hotel kana reserve hahaha. Life achievement for ni guys walaupun bukan seberapa.

Seating outside awaiting trainees to arrive. We have special gift for those yang datang awal hahahaha.

Sharing some photos taken by us on that day. Nda ku tergambar banar pasalnya I really was active with explanation. Selang seli with our lead trainer.

Meal service time guys always fascinate me how each group without fail will go the extra mile to outdo each other.

Remember the special gift we had for those who arrive early yatah udah ni soft cookies which my wife love.

The trainees enjoying their lunch that noon. Owh yang tiga org ani team punca hari ani. Akhir dtg hahahahahah.

the meal spread on offer today. As usual, Radisson never seems to fail us hahaha.

And of course, I will have time to enjoy Radisson's coffee while the team doing their activity hehehehe. 

Final session. "Mystery Gift For a Star". Of course as usual masih jua ada yang menahan menyampul and menyediakan gift hahaha. Alhamdulillah IMO today's session went well.


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