Saturday, March 06, 2021

Thursday 21/01/2021

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ


Today keraja di KB. Like I said in the previous post Tuesday and Thursday would be kami commute to Kb. Drove alone today pasalnya aku atu kan melawat my family jua taus before balik semula ke bandar later.

Antah lupa ku kenapa aku post cani but hey it has been some time since I sat on my old station. Honestly, I didn't miss it that much hehehehe.

Sweet durang dua ani eh ahahahha. Anyway, today we had a meeting with PTAS/AKER with my Senior Manager. We're introducing ourselves as the new OIC and Focal Person for Pekan Belait Industrial Park. Also got the chance to meet up with Mahirah. Our DARe ex-colleague.

Re-introducing myself with KB sites then my Manager belanja makan di gerai si Qawi hehe alhamdulillah.

Once settled all my errands here in KB sites. Singgah tah ku sekajap melawat my family and rest up.

Driving back to bandar and was stuck in Sg Liang traffic jam. That was a very slow moving traffic. Konon kan mau awal sampai umah. Nda jua eh ahir jua sampai. Lapaaaaa paot!

When I almost arrived home, I texted my wife asked her to get ready and let's eat out. We had a few kebabs in Sengkurong and my god that was filling.


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