Saturday, March 06, 2021

Tuesday 26/01/2021

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ


Breakfast dalam kereta hehehe. My wife sediakan breakfast to go pasalnya kami a bit keakhiran today. Thanks syg.

Sampai sampai opis menunggu kan berjalan ke Kb. Lepak sekajap di pantry sekali ada cinnamon rolls courtesy of Sybah. Happy lah au dapat makan yo! Sandi eh craving ku bah kan cinnabon aa.

While on our way to Kb. I saw this ambulance fast approaching us and while I was changing lanes I had quick glimpsed at the rearview mirror. The driver and the guy next to him were dress in full PPE. Then I remembered as were leaving Anggerek Desa, I saw an ambulance at Mulia Hotel so definitely they were about to transfer a positive covid-19 patient to the isolation centre in Tutong.

As usual singgah Telisai dulu for an early lunch. Hehehe nda batah bulat badan ni bui. Well bukan lagi bulat andang bulat bertambah bulatttt.

Today pagi kami di KB Complex and then patang atu singgah sekajap di SPARK melawat durang.

Awal kami sampai ofis today. Well nda jua awal banar. Mulai balik org udah when we arrived. Sekali sampat lagi lepak dengan one of our colleague. Honestly, kami ani quick discussion before balik sampat tah jua kana snap oleh another colleague of ours.


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