Saturday, March 06, 2021

Friday 29/01/2021

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ


A short one saja guys. Definitely taking my sweet time to work today. Loving the weather and the almost empty road.

Sampai sampai opis kana belanja kami oleh c Waliy. He was promoting his brother's nasi katok business. This is an unbiased opinion. It was good! Sambalnya ada pusu and who didn't like ayam goreng durg of which for sure the brother learned from his mom's recipe. So if you happened to be around the area. Cubatah guys nasi katok RB at Kg. Jaya Setia. Nda jauh sekolah rendah trailernya.

Attending the post mortem meeting for this week's training. First session ani penting ni guys pasalnya yth peluang untuk kami kan halusi our training session and all its activities.

Another KPI meeting with the procurement team. Actually aku atu silap. The previous post was about a different KPI of the procurement team. This one would be our team KPI. Ada berani?


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