Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Thursday 25/02/2021

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Thursday and day 2 of training.

Teeheehee still cannot move on! Nganya too bad aku nda drive p nda apa lah my other colleague boleh pakai.

Enjoying the morning rush hour while walking over it hahahaha. I do enjoy bah all this training apa because it makes me walk more than usual.

Yesterday saya Wadi and today saya jadi Amat hahahaha. As usual, sitting down while waiting for the trainee.

The early birds hehehe bangga durang sampai ber selfie selfie bah. 

Iyernya awal ya datang hahahahaha ketawa ku lakak lakak when I saw him enter the hotel.

Some of the photos taken of the day. Same old same old lah ahh nda jua ku mau share banar pasal training kami ani. Well if you know then ask me privately hahahaha.

Meal service time guys. Talking about taking things to another level hehehe sampai setting out order online apa. Sampai ada print out menu and then personalized tea order. I'm impressed.


Freaking enjoyed the food spread today especially the lunch dishes. 2 kali tambah ku bui!

Skipping a few photos yang aku plan kan share. I decided otherwise pasalnya malas jua ku kan share berabis as this is an internal training kinda feel unprofessional if ku share jua kan.

My thoughts for this session are the same just like last week. It was engaging, an eye-opener, and much much more. It taught me a lot as a trainer especially when we're conducting this training in Malay. Alhamdulillah, I'm glad that I decided to join the trainer team. Nganya satu saja yang kan ku share being a trainer is not easy. Its mentally challenging and mesti rajin cari ilmu. Or else bila kana engaged with difficult question yth payah payah diri kan menjawap hehehehe.

Muka ceria lapas acara meluah rasa hahahahaha. Alhamdulillah each of them berpadah siuk this training nda keboringan. Good to know.

Ending the night by spending time with Jirul and Amir. Winding down guys. Utakku masih lagi bergarak ceh!


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