Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Monday 31/08/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Took me the whole of September just to close down on August 2020 updates. Man, and here I was thinking now that I have a laptop my blog will be regularly updated. Nope!

Waking up to the smell of mini chicken pies freshly out from the oven has its pros and cons. For a start, it smells absolutely delicious. The worse part is that you know its delicious but you can't eat it!

Not a typical Monday morning at work. Not much food in the pantry. I joined Saima and Asarol for a site inspection which is a rare feat these days. Then stopping by at a restaurant and not eating while you were being photographed by your colleague's husband.

I tell you guys. With the country is still closing our border you better be damn sure to look your surrounding before talking about something that may or may not get you into trouble. Those enforcement guys are everywhere!

Here are the reasons why aku nda mau makan di kadai tadi. I was starving as you might know as my last meal was masa ku makan di eats yesterday. Sengaja ku tahan because I want to have a hearty meal with my wife hehehe.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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