Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Thursday 27/08/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ


Before we left for RIPAS Aileen Mikhayla was in her crawler so as usual lah kedia ani kalau nampak kami especially my wife memang ya akan minta kipak. So my wife pun bermain sekajap lah sama kedia hehehe org membawa takut tu yang banarnya.

Why? Well guys today is the day for my wife's IUI procedure. Of course kami dua gagaran at the moment but I already told my wife. We have been briefed by the doctor with regards to chances of success. This is just another way of us berusaha. Lets leave the rest to Allah. Success atau nda we still have two tries after this. Let's just be positive with whatever the outcome will be.

First order of the day was actually my part. I have to extract my semen manually. Well if you're asking how? Sorry I'm not gonna go into the details. So once I've done with what I needed to do. I then handed over the semen to a nurse whose then gonna do some work on it. In simpler term was that she had a looked at my sperm. Pick the active one then get it ready to inserted into my wife.

This process took about 2 hours ish.........

While waiting for the IUI procedure we had our breakfast here. Both of us we partly relieved yet still overly nervous.

That empty corridor didn't help with my nervousness. I know that my wife was still having bad memories from her last fallopian tube test. Like she said numerously she can still vividly remember how painful her first test were.

And a feeling of relief arrived when the nurse told me that the procedure was over and I can see my wife. Thanked the nurse and the Dr. and we just relaxed for a while before she can start to move again.

Dropped off my wife at home then I told her I'm going to buy some lunches for everyone. I went to Pappu and had a meal before heading back home.

Last chore of the day. Doing some laundry before calling it a day.

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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