Saturday, November 28, 2020

Saturday 31/10/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Finally guys the last post for October. Didn't even think I can manage to get to this point but alhamdulillah here we are finally.

Apparently, this is another menu on sale di Snk_stove. I believed this is called Chicken Rissoles. Kalau nak rasa head tu Snk_stove's Instagram profile and make your order.

My Saturday playground. Honestly, I felt great today macam mengajut hilang batuk ku apa. So ku teruskan tah saja menyampati ke Jubillee park for a good walkaround. Berulih jua alhamdulillah.

Brunch at Nadj Restaurant, Sengkurong. Kejarangan ku order yang lain selain mee mamak di sini. One of the best in town. Cun berabis rasanya. And then somehow batuk ku berbalik. Annoying hantap.

Patang atu mendangani my wife ke Klinik Sengkurong for her check-up. Her bp was still high so ya kana bagi lagi another two more weeks to get it lower. Mind you guys I also need to get myself check real soon.

Date night with my wife. She treated me to a fish and chip dinner at Mama Wong. It also happened to be a super moon night so kinda feel a bit romantic hahahaha. Owh, aku atu saja mengambar traffic jam atu as it felt like morning rush hour. Biasa ada accident up ahead hence why it slowed down the traffic. And guys this is how we end October 2020.

Till I see you in November post. Stay safe!


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