Saturday, November 28, 2020

Wednesday 28/10/2020

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Wednesday and hoping this will get smoother now.

Went for a site inspection with a few colleague then kelaparan taus singgah makan di sini. Not bad jua lah the food.

Since awal udah makan tadi nda tah ku keluar tengah hari atu. Stayed in saja ku menyiapkan keraja sambil meliat highlights bula. Then my colleagues walked in the office with a few boxes of cake. Masuk tah ku taus ke pantry mencuba. And then suddenly start ku batuk ani bah. Macam ehhhhh napa ya? Maybe pasal luan buttery atu kali.

Patang atu we had a meeting with one of the software developers in Brunei. Just one way of us trying to improve and grow our procurement team. It's a good meeting and we have shared a good insight into what sort of software can be used to help and improve our procurement system.

Ending our Wednesday with picking some stuff in Kiulap and having dinner in KTM Sengkurong. 

Til my next post. Stay safe everyone!


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